Healthy Start in Your Home

Your home should be nurturing. If there is lack of comfort in your living space, try the following:

Bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers bring in pieces of rocks or other natural elements that gives you a sense of nature.

Put green plants in your home. This is essential to filtering indoor pollutants. The recommendation for the quantity of plants is two plants to every 100 feet. In addition, the plants will distribute natural oxygen throughout your home. What a great way to live a healthy aging life.

More few items means less frustration, clean out the clutter, let go of the things you do not use or need. If you think you need these items, sit down and weigh out the pros and cons. If you see that the cons are higher than the pros, get rid of it. Let it go.

In addition, take advantage of the sun; allow as much sunlight as possible to flow through your house. This gives you’re home a feeling of warmth. Take care that you avoid direct sunlight however for prolonged periods, since the sun can cause harm.

Did you know that colors effect your emotionally and affect the way you feel in a home? Every color has a significant meaning that could represent our physical and mental state. For instance:

Green room: Brings balance and tranquility but has the same energizing qualities. Often used as a calming place for thinking for people in trouble or just needing to feel refreshed, since natural is our first established home. We all love nature, rather most of us do. Green plants, flowers, etc all bring nature into focus, which makes the heart feel good.

Yellow room: Inspires organization, intellectual clarity with happy thinking. Even by using the color yellow as accents instead of painting, all walls will be positive.

White room: Essential for feeling cleansed and purified. Remember that too much white brings a sterile environment that can also become isolated. Make sure to accent a white room with a vibrant color when painting all white. This is a perfect color for ceilings to brighten up with sunlight.

But don't use Black room,It's look Bad

Improving your life could easily start in the home, whether its trying something new with something natural or changing a color, these are easy methods to create harmony and balance in your surroundings, not to mention inspiration and warmth. The more effort you put into aging healthy, the more you will see good results.

Tip: Animals has proven to be a source of healing. Allow a friendly critter to touch your heart.


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